Reconnect With Your Inner-Inspiration
The science is clear that we humans are wired to tap into something deeper than just the surface layer of our day-to-day activities. It doesn't matter your beliefs, this drive for meaning and purpose is universal. That's why we practice having a conversation with our soul or wisest self in the Joy Lab Program. It's a practice we do every month as we work to build our Elements of Joy. If you're not part of the Program, this will likely be a new practice for you. The practice is designed to help you connect with your wise, authentic self and tap into the Elements of Joy in ways that really resonate with you. We thought we'd share this practice with the hope that it opens you up to new avenues of creativity and joy while offering a glimpse into the transformative practices we work on in the full Joy Lab program.
Meditation: Reconnect With Your Inner-Inspiration
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